Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Gina's Facemask And Palatal Expansion Therapy

Finally, at 1 o'clock this afternoon, we went to our Orthodontist's appointment for Gina's Facemask installation.

We praise God because He helped Gina endure.

And we worship Him for a daughter like her, who, despite quietly shedding tears while on the Orthodontist's chair, can already smile now with her Facemask Therapy and Palatal Expansion appliance.

Most of our friends think Gina's condition is dental. It is NOT. There is nothing wrong with her teeth. Hers is a genetic, maxillary deficiency (jawbone problem), which needs to be corrected while she is still young, and before pubertal growth spurts happen.

More or less a total of 3-4 years are needed to complete the entire intervention process. This Facemask therapy is only the 1st of a series of treatment phases our daughter needs to undergo...

I am proud of my Dancing Queen... I thank God for giving us the wisdom to choose which Orthodontist to go. And I am grateful to family, friends, and co-workers who prayed with us, and for those who helped make things easier and less of a burden -- emotionally, and even financially. God knows who you are...

This evening after supper, Gina and I prepared for our first night of a detailed process of re-installing the Facemask. Before every meal, the appliance has to be removed. And since supper has ended, it had to be back on...

First, I Superflossed (a special kind of orthodontic floss with a dental floss threader) her fixed palate appliance (cemented in her upper). There are 3 wires underneath her upper jaw that need to be flossed well. Our Orthodontist taught me, but I wish my fingers and hands were smaller because I only reached 2 wires... So I asked Gina to brush really extra well. I know however, that in the next days, skill and ease of using my hands will set in. I requested DH to buy me an orthodontic plier-type of tool to help me engage the bands in her fixed mouth appliance. It helped a lot that she was lying down with her head lower than her body.

Next was putting on a fresh pair of tiny orthodontic bands on both sides of her mouth. The fixed appliance inside her mouth had 2 "band holders", but again, my fingers are too stubby for her little mouth. It helped that Gina held her upper lip out of the way. I think the plier-type of orthodontic tool am wishing for cannot wait until Christmas, I reminded DH.

After that, I comforted myself with the truth that all will be well with God's mighty help. He has helped us get through this after months of asking, searching, and waiting for what our steps should be. And He has directed everything from day one... With this we continue to ask for prayers, for patience, for strength, as we give back our gratefulness for His generous blessings from above. He has provided, and His provisions are timely and never-ending. We also pray that DH and I would consistently become good stewards to the children He has entrusted us with.

And for our little Dancing Queen, we pray good, sunshiny days, and sweet, comforting dreams...

"...But I will restore you to health
and heal your wounds,"
declares the LORD...
Jeremiah 30:17

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